
Showing posts from December, 2005

WSDL and Extensibilty

If you are curious about any vs. anyType, here is a recent paper from Russell Butek that may be helpfull. For me, the common usage of any / anyType remains the way the DataSet are exposed in WSDL, with Microsoft .NET 1.1: <s:element name="GetAuthorsResponse"> <s:complexType> <s:sequence> <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="GetAuthorsResult"> <s:complexType> <s:sequence> <s:element ref="s:schema" /> <s:any /> ••• </s:element> A basic rule to keep in mind, when you author your own WSDL files. Uses xsd:anyType where you will otherwise use xsd:int, xsd:string or any other XML type. Uses xsd:any where you will otherwise use a named element (not a type). And to keep out of trouble, only use xsd:anyType when you want to handle arbitrary XML documents. Refrain yourself from using it when yo...

Is WS-I BP good for you?

As I spend time looking at web services in real life, there is a question that is comming back, all the time: What is wrong with my WSDL? Today, I am looking at Microsoft Office 2003 Web Services Toolkit . Why do I get 0 as Search Results with a WSDL that is looking good, and pass the WS-I Basic Profile report without any error? Here is a screen shoot with the error message. This error is not listed as one of the top-5 common problems [look at the troubleshooting section]. . Using the A9 search with image-on was an easy way to locate atricles with the screen that is giving me troubles. For this sample, I am using a WSDL from systinet . As you do not have access to this service, hosted by Systinet, you have to work without access to the server. It's as simple as one-two: make a local copy of the WSDL. on your local copy, remove the 'parts' attribute on all the soap:body elements, inside the binding. <input> <soap:body parts='parameters' use='literal...