
Showing posts from October, 2006

Running Java on Vista RC2, some tips...

As days go by, I am able to get more and more done on my desktop, but still to figure out how to get the productivity increase, as I was initially expecting from a modern OS. The last issues that I was facing was IPv6 vs. IPv4, and I have now been able to google the resource that explain it all: " The Cable Guy - October 2005 " on MSDN, especially the 'Disabling IPv6' section. Unless you disable IPv6 on all interfaces, you will have to change your way to start java process. Here is my new way to launch JUnit tests from ant:   <junit showoutput="true" fork="yes">     <jvmarg value=""> ... I had to use the same option when starting the server-side process for my J2EE container. As this is not exactly lightweight, I'll have to find a better way forward (most likely hack with the registry as advised by the Cable Guy ). For some reason, I was expecting to find such information from the new integ...

Vista RC2 - a better experience

Earlier this week, I stop by Microsoft booth at Oracle Open World to check out Vista. Back home, I did burn the DVD of RC2 and try the system upgrade from RC1. It was just fine, and I am now back to normal network speed. If you think about giving Vista a trial, go directly to RC2 ;-)

Connection reset from a WCF Web Service

Here is an error message you may see, when calling WCF Web Services from java: IOException retrieving the response: Connection reset As it may not be obvious the first time you see it, this may save you some time. One reason for this behaviour is when the WCF endpint is expecting to see wsa:Action SOAP header in the request. To find out if you are facing this case, you have to look inside the WSDL, and search for the policy that describes the contract for your endpoint. <wsp:Policy wsu:Id="CustomBinding_Echo1_policy">   <wsp:ExactlyOne>     <wsp:All>       <wsaw:UsingAddressing/>     </wsp:All>   </wsp:ExactlyOne> </wsp:Policy> To make this a concrete example, here is a sample WSDL . To find the policy, you will need to follow the import as the policy are not always advertized in the top-level document. Here is how the import looks:   <ws...

Productivity Hints

It's funny to see how creative developers can be when they are testing their features, or is this really that hard to slice Angel Cake? Just a random screen, as I was starting the latest version of JDeveloper on my iMac.

Going the Vista way

As a geek, and an iMac user at home, I had to try the newly released Windows Vista, after my recent trip to Redmond. Microsoft is even branding its refreshment after its new baby. After a clean install and a seamless connection on the corporate network, with access to the network printers and the shared disks on my linux systems, it was time to start reel work. My luck started to go south. Connecting my iPod shuffle on the keyboard's USB connector to access it as a memory stick did bring up an error pop-up. Next was a strange behavior when scrolling into my Java applications. After a quick email to the in-house guru, and a pointer to this blog , I was back on track... Since this morning, I have been trying to download the latest JDK from Sun's web site, so that I can get my Java applications in a usable state, and I am back to the stone age on the modem speed. I'll need to figure out which setup I need to tweak to get back the the ligthning speed of modern computers. Let se...