model error: element "{http://...}foo" not found
As I got some reply off-line, on my previous post, it's time to gives the explanation for the first invalid WSDL. First, here is my ANT script (build.xml), that can be used to validate any WSDL in JDeveloper 10.1.3: <project name="blog-demo" default="all" basedir="." xmlns:o="antlib:oracle"> < property file=""/> < target name="analyze"> < o:analyze wsdl=""/> < /target> < /project> and the output analyze: model error: element "{}create-account" not found. In annotatedBank.wsdl , there is a missing element: < types> . The < schema> element cannot be a direct child of the < definitions> element. In my broken sample, the schema is invisible, and therefore the element 'create-account' cannot be found. Check the valid WSD...