SOAPFaultException: IllegalArgumentException: Decoding tip
As part of my ongoing work on the SOA and SCA (Society of Confused Architects) bandwagon, I have a new not-so-easy error to explain and share with you.
Here is how the error will reads from the client side, when using Oracle Web Services tech Stack on the 10gR3 releases:
The SOAP response will look something like that:
In my case, the error was just because I was having an invalid value
for some XML Schema type - the incomming value was not in the set
defined in the schema.
Hope it can help some of you out there, getting to the bottom
of your interoperability issues faster.
Here is how the error will reads from the client side, when using Oracle Web Services tech Stack on the 10gR3 releases:
javax.xml.rpc.soap.SOAPFaultException: Caught exception while handling request:
deserialization error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
The SOAP response will look something like that:
1 <?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
2 <env:Envelope xmlns:env="">
3 <env:Body>
4 <env:Fault>
5 <faultcode>env:Client</faultcode>
6 <faultstring>Caught exception while handling request: deserialization
7 error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException</faultstring>
8 </env:Fault>
9 </env:Body>
10 </env:Envelope>
In my case, the error was just because I was having an invalid value
for some XML Schema type - the incomming value was not in the set
defined in the schema.
1 <xs:schema xmlns:xs=""
2 xmlns:tns=""
3 targetNamespace=""
4 elementFormDefault="qualified"
5 attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
6 ...
7 <xs:simpleType name="TitleType">
8 <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
9 <xs:enumeration value="Company"/>
10 <xs:enumeration value="Mr."/>
11 <xs:enumeration value="Ms."/>
12 </xs:restriction>
13 </xs:simpleType>
14 <xs:element name="title" type="tns:TitleType"/>
15 ...
16 </xs:schema>
Hope it can help some of you out there, getting to the bottom
of your interoperability issues faster.